• People in tech
  • 14 Mar 2024

Is AI an adversary in the field of software development? Here’s what a programmer thinks.

Well, AI is impressive in what it can do, but it can't work alone. That's why it needs a person. And a software developer, using their logic, will know how to use this tool to perform certain processes.

Is AI an adversary in the field of software development? Here’s what a programmer thinks.

One of our devs talks about AI & software development

It’s no secret that technology evolves rapidly, and AI and software development are at the forefront of this transformation. AI based software development has become a major trend across industries, but what does AI mean for developers? Is it a challenge, an obstacle, or an advantage?

While AI is impressive, it can’t function independently. It requires the guidance of a skilled developer to unlock its full potential. For instance, when a programmer has a large amount of code to fix, AI can analyze the code, identify errors, and offer suggestions, speeding up the process and improving efficiency.

However, AI alone can’t manage entire workflows without human oversight. The collaboration between AI and software development is key, with developers using their expertise to direct AI effectively. We’ll dive deeper into this topic with Dragoș, a senior developer who views the relationship between developers and AI not as competition, but as a collaboration fueled by passion and creativity.

Dive into our interview with Dragoș from BEE CODED to learn more about artificial intelligence, software developer responsibilities and interesting insights from a dev’s life. 

  • How did you turn out to be a software developer? 

Dragoș: For 6 years, I’ve been involved in programming. People think I’ve been doing it for much longer. I chose to set aside management and start programming. The reason? I’ve wanted to do computer science and software engineering since I was little, but there were obstacles that held me back until the opportune moment came to start. Personal changes had an impact on my decision. (Question: Did you find similarities between the two, management and programming?) Yes, but I don’t want to see them anymore. Because people around me notice leadership qualities in me, and I don’t want any more involvement with “bossing around.” I enjoy writing code. Since I was a 7-year-old child, I used to create matrices, which I called “tables”.

  • How does an ordinary day look to you? 

Dragoș: Since I’ve been a programmer, I’ve been a workaholic. But that’s because programming is such a huge passion for me that I don’t feel like I’m working; everything is like a game, a pleasure. It feels like I’m playing on the computer all day. I could write code for 14 hours a day in the beginning. Now I’m more disciplined, taking a break for meals. When I’m not at the office, I’m either on vacation or spending time with my three girls, aged 14, 12, and 7 months. We go skiing in Austria, or I give the youngest one a bath. That’s how my days look. I don’t go out much; I’m quite calm. I have three states: either I’m working, I’m away, or I’m playing on the PC. 

  • What do you find challenging about being a developer?

Dragoș: It must have very good logic because problems are solved through logic. You need to know how to use tools, manipulate them. I don’t believe in the idea that AI will replace us, but I do believe that a person who knows how to use it can certainly take your place. For me, it’s hard to make myself understood. My mind wanders, and I don’t provide details. Communication is a problem, but a personal one. It seems clear to me what I’m saying, but I get the impression that no one understands me.

  • But rewarding and enjoyable?

Dragoș: The high salary is an example. But personally, it is extremely valuable that I can create software for people, that I program for someone. I can create really cool things for those around me!

  • What do you think about humor? 

Dragoș: Ah… humor is the foundation of life. If you don’t laugh, you’re living in vain. It’s the basis of my relationship with my wife. She chose me because I made her laugh until tears rolled down her cheeks. We also had a joke competition at BEE CODED, where I should mention that we have funny people, but also people with dry humor.

  • Tell us you’re a developer without telling us you’re a developer 

Dragoș: I don’t read the word “scripturi (scripts)” like any regular Romanian, putting the emphasis on the letter “u”. Instead, I read it, obviously, from a technical point of view. For me, the word doesn’t make sense as an epistle/inscription. 

  • What are the latest software development skills for a developer in 2024? 

Dragoș: Logic, that’s all I have to say. This cannot be taught; you have to be born with it. I could also mention creativity, attitude. Personally, if you don’t have the attitude of a programmer, I wouldn’t hire you. 

  • How do you stay updated on industry trends and emerging technologies for professional development?

Dragoș: I am always learning. I regularly invest in courses and keep up with field-related content on YouTube. However, I’m not the kind of person who rushes to try every new thing that comes out. No, I prefer to wait, see what it’s about, and see if that thing is stable. I stay in trend by constantly learning. (Question: What are the trends in 2024?) I don’t have an opinion yet, but I can say regarding last year that AI is a trend that has become very popular.

  •  What’s your favorite meme of all time?
  • Why do programmers prefer dark mode? Is it because light attracts bugs?

Dragoș: Joking aside, probably because it’s easier on the eyes when you spend hours on end reading text :)… Plus.. the dark side has cookies.