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  • 21 Mar 2024

Football Coin

Revamping the Football Coin App

Football Coin


Saas Products

Revamping the Football Coin App: A brand-new front-end redesign

A game-changing case study about redefining the app

About the company + Industry | Country | Timeline + Key outcomes

Industry: Cryptocurrency / Gaming

Country: RO

Timeline: 12 months

Key outcomes

  • Leveraging blockchain for NFT-based player cards

At the forefront of our collaboration with FootballCoin is the utilization of blockchain technology to tokenize player cards as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Our team of web developers meticulously architected the blockchain infrastructure, ensuring scalability, security, and interoperability.

By harnessing blockchain, we empowered FootballCoin users with transparent, immutable, and verifiable ownership over their digital assets, setting a new standard for fantasy football trading platforms. The software development lifecycle model has its own impact in our process. 

  • Empowering users with decentralized ownership and control

Central to our partnership with FootballCoin was the objective of empowering users with decentralized ownership and control over their assets.

Through the implementation of smart contracts and decentralized protocols, by using the 7 stages of software development life cycle, we eliminated the need for intermediaries, enabling users to transact directly with one another.

This shift towards decentralized ownership not only fostered a sense of community ownership but also democratized access to the fantasy football trading ecosystem.

  • Integrating cryptocurrency rewards for enhanced engagement

In addition to tokenizing player cards, our collaboration with FootballCoin involved integrating cryptocurrency rewards, namely XFC, into the platform’s ecosystem.

Our web development team seamlessly integrated cryptocurrency wallets, implemented smart contracts for reward distribution, and optimized the user experience for earning and utilizing XFC.

This integration not only incentivized user participation and engagement but also introduced users to the world of cryptocurrencies, driving adoption and awareness.

  • Leveraging real-data competitions for dynamic gameplay

A key aspect of FootballCoin’s appeal is its integration of real-data competitions, where users can compete with their fantasy teams based on real-life player performance.

Our web development team played a pivotal role in integrating external data sources, such as sports APIs, to fetch real-time player statistics and match results. By leveraging crypto technologies, we ensured fair play, transparency, and accuracy in scoring, enhancing the competitiveness and excitement of the platform.

  • Embracing the future of fantasy football trading

As a web development company, aware of the role of product development strategy and committed to innovation, our partnership with FootballCoin has enabled us to shape the future of fantasy football trading.

Together, we’ve redefined the fantasy football experience, introducing users to the transformative potential of blockchain, decentralization, and cryptocurrency rewards.

Moving forward, we remain dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, exploring new frontiers in sports technology, and empowering enthusiasts worldwide to engage with their favorite sport in exciting new ways.

About the company 

Football Coin represents an innovation in the intersection of football and cryptocurrency.

Utilizing their digital currency, XFC Coin, Football Coin introduces a  dynamic economy, ushering in an exciting gaming experience powered by blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

By merging the passion for football with the transformative potential of blockchain, Football Coin aims to attract new football enthusiasts, inviting them to explore a new world of entertainment and engagement.

The Context & challenge

When BEECODED was approached by the client, he had a 60% functional MVP, but no documentation.

The project faced challenges due to the absence of a clear roadmap, unclear requirements, and outcomes.

  • Project management. Design and build a successful and useful experience for the end-users to retain their long-term loyalty.
  • Engineering. Develop a brand-new front-end Football Coin app version.
  • Communication. Assist the company for the 2021 Euro Games.

Benefit after the challenge was solved – what was the outcome?

Key points & operations

Our collaboration with FootballCoin represents a milestone in the evolution of fantasy football trading platforms.

By implementing crypto technologies, we’ve transformed the way enthusiasts engage with the sport, fostering decentralization, transparency, and user empowerment.

As we look to the future, we’re excited to continue innovating, iterating, and shaping the future of sports engagement through technology.

  • Set up the priority flow: Security – Performance – Optimization, turning this process into a scalable ecosystem on a modular codebase.
  • Implement the Cleaning, Refactoring, and Modularity process to achieve high-quality and clean code.

Core Team


Project Manager


Creative Thinker


Front-end Developer



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