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  • 24 Apr 2024

Transforming healthcare by building a comprehensive ecosystem of IoT and software solutions

A comprehensive telehealth ecosystem by Preact (now Frisk): revolutionizing healthcare delivery.

Transforming healthcare by building a comprehensive ecosystem of IoT and software solutions



About the company + Industry | Country | Timeline + Key outcomes

Company name: Frisk (formerly Preact)

Industry: Healthcare

Country: Norway, Sweden

Timeline: 12-15 months

Key Outcomes

  • Developed a robust IoT solution
  • Created a system for health data gathering and processing for iOS and Android
  • Built a booking portal for doctors and a doctor management system
  • Implemented a telehealth video conferencing solution

The Context & challenge

Challenge: The primary challenge was mapping out the development needs for a robust and scalable healthcare ecosystem.


  • Conduct a thorough business analysis phase
  • Define project milestones 
  • Implement each system as a separate component (service), and then integrate all components.

Benefit after the challenge was solved – what was the outcome?


  • Clear and rapid development timeline
  • Effective cost management, and enhanced clarity in project execution.

Impact: The outcomes enabled the company to build their system comprehensively and implement it across multiple areas, improving healthcare delivery.

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Client review

Client: Gøran Hauptmann

Feedback: “Good communication, delivers as promised. Always putting in the extra effort to help, when needed.”

The project undertaken by Preact (now Frisk) was characterized by a sophisticated and thorough approach, encompassing a comprehensive business analysis and a meticulous software development lifecycle (SDLC) process. The initial phase involved an in-depth business analysis, where our team worked closely with the client to understand their specific needs, challenges, and objectives. This phase was crucial in shaping the project’s direction and ensuring that the solutions developed were perfectly aligned with the client’s requirements and expectations.

Following the business analysis, the project entered the SDLC phase, which adhered to best practices and industry standards. The process was broken down into several key stages:

  • Requirement Gathering and Analysis: Detailed requirements were collected and analyzed to ensure a clear understanding of what needed to be developed.
  • Design and Prototyping: Based on the requirements, our team designed the system architecture and developed prototypes, allowing the client to visualize the end product and provide feedback.
  • Development and Implementation: The actual development of the solution commenced, with our team of skilled developers working on creating a robust, scalable, and efficient system. During this phase, regular progress updates were provided to the client, ensuring transparency and alignment.
  • Testing and Quality Assurance: Rigorous testing was conducted to ensure that the solution met all functional and non-functional requirements, and was free from defects.
  • Deployment and Integration: The solution was deployed and integrated into the client’s existing ecosystem, with careful attention to ensuring a smooth transition.
  • Maintenance and Support: Post-deployment, our team provided ongoing maintenance and support to address any issues and ensure optimal performance.

In addition to the technical development, our team placed a strong emphasis on customer support and assistance throughout the project. We provided expert guidance in selecting the right technology, crafting the most effective solution, and setting realistic and achievable implementation milestones. Our approach was collaborative and client-focused, ensuring that the client was involved and informed at every stage of the project.

The result was a seamless, end-to-end service that not only delivered a cutting-edge solution but also fostered a strong, trusting relationship with the client. By addressing their unique needs and providing continuous support, we ensured that the client was equipped with the tools and knowledge necessary to make the most of their new healthcare ecosystem.

Core Team


Frontend developers


Backend developers


System architects

Clients recommend us for reliability and faster, accurate tech solutions for their specific business needs.

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