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  • 29 Feb 2024

Promo Saga

Implementing Gamification and Loyalty Strategies

Promo Saga



White-label development app for a leading mobile tech company

Implementing Gamification and Loyalty Strategies within the Promo Saga web-based app for Upstream System

About the company + Industry | Country | Timeline + Key outcomes

Industry: IT&C

Country: UK 

Timeline: 4 months

Key outcomes

  • Successful launching of Promo 3.0 whitelabeling web app
  • Recognized MVP for introducing the inaugural version of a branded product for an MNO
  • Client implemented successful business strategy, launching branded apps with 4 different operators from 3 continents

About the company 

For over two decades, Upstream Systems has been at the forefront of innovating dynamic solutions to elevate mobile engagement and drive acquisitions worldwide.

As a leading mobile technology company, they pioneer digital acquisitions and sales across diverse mobile channels, aiming to enhance loyalty and engagement. 

The Context & Challenge

In response to client’s specific request, our team embarked on a transformative journey to develop a cutting-edge solution that would redefine user engagement for mobile network operators (MNOs).

The challenge was twofold: create a white-label app that allows seamless customisation by any MNO, and design a web-based app incorporating gamification and loyalty strategies to elevate user interaction.

Core team


Project Manager


Creative Thinkers




QA Tester

Developing a white-labelled solution was akin to meticulously constructing a mouse trap from the ground up.

The challenge lay in the effort required to ensure that the mechanism functioned precisely when it should.

Despite the inherent advantages and disadvantages of white-labeling, our team adeptly navigated the complexities, effectively communicating the merits and demerits of our client’s decision.

We methodically assessed the criteria demanding equilibrium and guided our client towards an informed decision, presenting a spectrum of technological solutions and options.

The importance of selecting a development partner of repute could not be overstated, as the quality of the code hinged on the reputation of the chosen company.

In embracing this responsibility, we committed wholeheartedly to the partnership, resulting in a fruitful collaboration and an exhilarating journey with our client.

Our dedication to delivering precise technological requirements ensured not just the creation of an app but the cultivation of a successful and enduring partnership.

Clients recommend us for reliability and faster, accurate tech solutions for their specific business needs.

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